ZOOM TALK: Main features of computer algebra MathPartner
Date: 16/12/2024
Time: 13:30 - 14:30
Time: 13:30 - 14:30
Location: Zoom Talk, spread to RISC Seminarroom Hagenberg
Abstract. In this talk I will try to cover the following issues. 1. How to use cloud math MathPartner for symbolic-numerical calculations, 2. How to save and reproduce your documents. 3. How to build 2-D and 3-D graphs and surfaces. 4. How MathPartner differs from other CAS: strong typing, type conversion, environment customization, tropical algebras, large matrix package, new special functions, parallel computer algebra. 5. How it can be used to study mathematics and physics. https://jku.zoom.us/j/94919458950?pwd=V2FMU2l3b2JFMmtCamgzMXlhNkRYQT09 Meeting-ID: 949 1945 8950 Password: 135891